Pope Francis highlights arms trade in Easter sermon

Pope Francis delivered the traditional Easter Sunday Mass sermon in Rome on Sunday with a call for an end to the "horror and death" in Syria and prayed for Jesus to help world leaders end the arms trade.
"In the complex and often dramatic situations of today's world, may the Risen Lord guide the steps of all those who work for justice and peace," he told a crowd of around 60,000 people gathered in a flower-filled St. Peter's Square.
    "May he grant the leaders of nations the courage they need to prevent the spread of conflicts and to put a halt to the arms trade."
    The "Urbi et Orbi" message "to the city and the world" was delivered from the central balcony of St. Peter's Basilica amid tight security with people trying to enter the square having to pass through several checkpoints.
    Addressing the civil war in Syria, the Pope said a prayer for humanitarian workers there.
    "Especially in these days, may he sustain the efforts of all those actively engaged in bringing comfort and relief to the civil population in Syria, prey to a war that continues to sow horror and death. And yesterday, the latest despicable attack on refugees which caused a number of deaths and injuries," he said
